Nationals 2021 - Nov 5-7
by Paul Bennett · 10 November 2021
The results for the 2021 USCA National Nine Wicket Tournament are as follows:
Championship Flight Doubles:
1) John Warlick and Macey White
2) Sherif Abdelwahab and Sandra Knuth
3) Thomas Tribby and David Ekstrom
Championship Flight Singles:
1) Sherif Abdelwahab
2) John Warlick
3) Macey White
4) Jeff Morrison
5) David Ekstrom
6) Sandra Knuth
7) David McCoy
8)Thomas Tribby
First Flight Doubles:
1) Jeff Morrison and Priscilla Flowers
2) Gail Warlick and Marianne Davidson
3) Glenn McAndrews and Randall McAndrews
4) David McCoy and Suzanne Turner
First Flight Singles:
1) Glenn McAndrews
2) Gail Warlick
3) Priscilla Flowers
4) Randall McAndrews
TDs John Warlick and Macey White