Open Tournaments
Nationals 2021 - Nov 5-7
The results for the 2021 USCA National Nine Wicket Tournament are as follows:
Championship Flight Doubles:
1) John Warlick and Macey White
2) Sherif Abdelwahab and Sandra Knuth
3) Thomas Tribby and David Ekstrom
Championship Flight Singles:
1) Sherif Abdelwahab
2) John Warlick
3) Macey White
4) Jeff Morrison
5) David Ekstrom
6) Sandra Knuth
7) David McCoy
8)Thomas Tribby
First Flight Doubles:
1) Jeff Morrison and Priscilla Flowers
2) Gail Warlick and Marianne Davidson
3) Glenn McAndrews and Randall McAndrews
4) David McCoy and Suzanne Turner
First Flight Singles:
1) Glenn McAndrews
2) Gail Warlick
3) Priscilla Flowers
4) Randall McAndrews
TDs John Warlick and Macey White
Florida Regional - Oct 7-9 2021
The USCA 2021 Florida Regional Nine Wicket Tournament was held early in October on the “Palm Courts” in the back of the National Croquet Center. The event was hosted by the National Croquet Club over three days with both championship and first flights. The turnout was fairly light due to short event notice and the ongoing covid situation. However, a sufficient number of players stepped forward to bring a competitive and challenging atmosphere in both the singles and doubles competition.
Thursday was doubles play all day. A round robin established the playoffs for Saturday morning in the two flights. The team of Tom Tribby and Priscilla Flowers got the championship flight bye and waited to play Gail Warlick and Linda Grady after they overcame a large deficit to beat John Warlick and Marianne Davidson. Tom and Priscilla remained consistent and outlasted Gail and Linda for the championship flight win. First flight doubles was hard fought with the team of Clint Fowlkes and Caryl Firth besting
Nanci Hunt and Lou Tyrrell in the flight finals.
Friday was all singles play with competitive battles on the four longer grass “Palm Courts”. Flight play sorted out the Saturday semi and final games. Linda Grady won first flight in a close battle with Priscilla Flowers on Saturday. Tom Tribby fought off John Warlick in the rain delayed Championship final that ended on Sunday.
Steadfast support from USCA representatives Ursula Peck and Johnny Mitchell was greatly appreciated.
Thursday and Friday lunches at the NCC were provided by the fantastic SandyJames catering crew. Friday evening players enjoyed an early dinner on the outside patio at The Raindancer Steakhouse in West Palm Beach. Beautiful trophies created by George Fiegel were well received by all players. Congrats to all participants!
Championship Doubles:
1) Tom Tribby and Priscilla Flowers
2) Gail Warlick and Linda Grady
3) John Warlick and Marianne Davidson
Championship Singles:
1) Tom Tribby
2) John Warlick
3) Gail Warlick
4) Clint Fowlkes
First Flight Doubles:
1) Clint Fowlkes and Caryl Firth
2) Nanci Hunt and Lou Tyrrell
First Flight Singles:
1) Linda Grady
2) Priscilla Flowers
3) Nanci Hunt
“Good Sport” awarded to Suzanne Turner
“Best Sport” awarded to Marianne Davidson
— John Warlick, TD
9th Annual Menucha International Croquet Tournament on for July 16

9th Running of the Menucha Croquet Tournament
The 8th Annual Menucha International Croquet Tournament and Lawn Party is on for July 18!

Cutthroat and Partner Ball for Menucha International Croquet Tournament
San Marino Community Church 2012 Tournament
The first San Marinians played croquet on the lawns of the Huntington Library…let’s continue the tradition
Ornery Ostrich Goes Down to the Wire

This year’s champions are the Super Team, comprised of Michael Rumbin and Constantine Evans
2nd Annual 9 Wicket Croquet in the Rose Bowl

Spring comes early in Pasadena California and so do the serious croquet players. For the second year in a row the Pasadena Croquet Club has held its “Croquet in the Rose Bowl”.