USCA Tournament Reports
2007 Lanterman House Tournament
It was déjà vu at the 12th annual Lanterman House 9-wicket croquet tournament, with many of last year’s winning teams successfully defending their titles.
2006 Mallet Madness
72 people are battling each other with great big mallets in Pinkerton Park. They are wearing odd clothes and broad smiles. Is it madness?
Croquet Adventure in San Diego
October 2006 was a big month for croquet in the United States, and not just for the tournament 6-wicket game. One of the largest USCA sanctioned 9-wicket croquet events ever held took place in Balboa Park in the beautiful city of San Diego.
2006 West Hartford, CT doubles
The participants comprised a wide range of skill levels, from 6-wicket players used to playing on short grass to members of the Connecticut Extreme Croquet Society, accustomed to playing in, well… “Extreme Conditions“—holes, trees, hills, water, and the like.
2006 Cowboy Croquet: September Shoot Out
A croquet conflict of historic proportions took place at Morgan Cousler Park today under gray, ominous skies. There was heavy speculation from the locals about the strangers who rode in from Allentown (PA), Baltimore, and Tulsa.
2006 Lee’s Summit, MO Singles Tournament
On Saturday September 30th we held our second annual 9-wicket singles tournament in Lee’s Summit MO, a suburb of Kansas City.
2006 USCA Mid-Atlantic Regional
The first ever Mid-Atlantic 9-wicket regional championship was hosted by the Buffalo Croquet and Debating Club, August 26th at Delaware Park.
2006 USCA NE Regional
Now in its second year, the USCA New England 9-wicket Regional Doubles Tournament returned to Oakland, Maine on Sunday August 13. Nine courts were set up on a soccer field in Pleasant Point Park …
2006 Lanterman House tournament
The 11th annual Lanterman House Croquet Tournament hosted a record thirty teams, with players coming from all over Southern California …
2005 Useppa Island Tournament
Play started on rough St. Augustine grass at 9:00 a.m. after a very nice continental breakfast. Each game was 45 minutes long and all teams got to play five games.