Lessons for a life time ~ How To Play Better Backyard Croquet
by Michael Rumbin · 5 February 2013

To see an online video describing these items, go to www.youtube.com
Does the weather have you trapped inside thinking about your game? Well this is a great time to play some armchair croquet! Bob Kroeger, the world’s best 9 wicket instructor and his longtime partner Ted Prentis have created a two disk set that will increase your understanding of the game and improve your play.

The first DVD feature video covers both shot-making and some strategy for backyard croquet players. Additionally there is a short standalone second video on the DVD featuring a voice described animation of making several wickets in a turn (this known as ‘playing a break’). It is important to note that your DVD player must have the capability of playing DVD+R or DVD-R media. In nearly all cases, the DVD will play on your computer.
The second disk is a data CD-R. This has a Windows Media Video file of the feature video described above made specifically to play on your computer. MacIntosh users must have Windows Media Player installed on their computer. Along with this video there is a PDF instructional manual which includes lots of text, diagrams, and photos. Additionally there is a PDF of the USCA Official Backyard Croquet Rules on the CD-R. Both products are $20 which includes shipping to the United States where normal postal rates apply. Please contact Bob Kroeger to purchase.
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