More on the Swing COACH PRO
by Michael Rumbin · 25 October 2017

Bob Kroeger has just completed a demonstration video of the Swing COACH PRO that demonstrates use at home or on the court.
The Swing COACH PRO allows you to perfect the straightness and smoothness of your mallet swing. The idea is to condition your mind and muscles to have a perfectly straight swing that results in predictably straight shots. With the coach, the balls always go in the same direction because the mallet is always in line. The Swing COACH PRO forces you into a perfect aim and a perfect swing. Practicing with a PRO makes perfect.
The Swing COACH PRO separates into front and rear panel assemblies that can be easily transported in a car or set aside for storage. To re assemble, connect the panels with four nylon bolts.
The Swing COACH PRO is available from WoodRanch Custom Shop. Contact Michael Rumbin at, or call 805-501-9908 for a price quote, shipping cost and delivery date.
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