Joe Schapiro elected as new Commissioner at the Keene Croquet & Hunt* Club in Keene, N.H.
by Michael Rumbin · 14 May 2015

May 3 rd, Opening day at the Keene Croquet Club courts was a total success. Joe Schapiro was elected unanimously as the new Commissioner: 4 to 0. Snow and Murata played Arnold and Harman. Susan Murata also fit in. Snow and Murata easily defeated Arnold and Harman.
The court at 83 Douglass St. will open for the season on Sunday May 3rd at 3 PM. From there on it will be open every Thursday at 5 PM and Sunday at 3. So, off we go!
The former Commish, K. Arnold, wishes to fade into the position of Commish Emeritus. K. Arnold has expressed his extreme pleasure in serving the club as Commissioner. He will continue to be a strong, loyal, dues paying member of the club. In his free time he will maintain the quality of the court at 83 Douglass, attempt to play his brand of croquet, continue to work on a written plain English set of rules, and, maintain a strong liaison with the Brooklyn Croquet & Hunt* Club.
New Members are always welcome. Please come and observe. We’d love to have you join us!
More information on the club can be found on facebook
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