2016 9-Wicket Nationals Results

by Generic Staff Writer · 24 June 2016

2016 9-Wicket Nationals
Finishing Order


  1. Paul Bennett
  2. Matthew Griffith
  3. John Warlick
  4. Ronald Millican
  5. George Cochran
  6. Douglas Moore
  7. Kevin McQuigg
  8. Kent Chapman
  9. Deborah Millican


  1. Charles Berberich
  2. William Berg
  3. Ford Fay
  4. Harold Wambold
  5. Judy McKeon
  6. Gail Rubin
  7. Kenneth ErkenBrack
  8. Richard Zurin
  9. Di Berg
  10. Todd Marshall
  11. Craig Sirkin
  12. Robert Hartman
  13. Estelle Hanson
  14. Bernice Bertoll


  1. Paul Bennett / Doug Moore
  2. George Cochran / John Warlick
  3. Matt Baird / Kevin McQiugg
  4. Ron Millican / Deborah Millican
The 9-wicket Nationals tournament was held at Pulaski Park in Denver, CO Managed by Ron Eccles; Directed by Matt Baird. The event was moved from nearby Washington Park due to crowd control and parking issues. The lawns at Pulaski were fine, except that the watering system had to be turned off for the last few weeks after an automobile crashed into the sprinkler system. Ron and Matt did a splendid job of hosting this tournament West of the Mississipi. I would love to see it played there again sometime in the future.

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