Nine Wicket - SouthEast Regionals - Good Luck players!
by Paul Bennett · 8 June 2019

Bill Beam playing 9-wicket croquet at Round Hill, VA
Photo by Macey White
Ursula would like to wish Good luck to the players in the Southeast Regionals
Let the Balls Roll !!
USCA Southeast/Mid Atlantic Regional 9-Wicket Tournament
Woodgrove Park – Round Hill, VA – June 7-9, 2019
Good Luck to All the participants
*Billy Beam
- Eric Carlson
- Bryan Christianson
- Douglas Murphy
- Jill Murphy
- Gil Rocha
- Gail Warlick
- John Warlick
- Macey White
- Cindy Shepherd
- Tim Hasty
Some of these players likely are learning to play croquet the USCA way for their first time.
If you enjoyed your experience, or if would like to offer us a suggestion or two, please send us a comment.
Please, Comment: