New Croquet club, Rockwell St, Norwich CT - March 2, 1891
by Paul Bennett · 24 June 2019

Published by the Norwich CT newspaper in March 2, 1891
The committee of the National Croquet association has selected the lot of land tendered them by Dr. x. A. Rockwell, on Rockwell street, next to the woods. The plan for the layout has been made, and includes ten grounds 86 × 72 feet, arranged with grounds in front of the proposed clubhouse and three at each end.
The proposed club house is two and one-half stories high, with ample awning, and will cost about $1,000. It will also take $2,000 more to complete the fencing and grading of the grounds. The club proposes to lay out one of the grounds with rubber cushions. The wealthy citizens of the town will be invited to assist in the establishment of these permanent ground here.
The Lawn Tennis club have asked for the privilege of occupying the grounds jointly with the Norwich Croquet club and their request will probably meet the favorable consideration of the club.
Work will begin on the new grounds as soon as the funds and the weather warrant the movement.
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